car: an archiving utility

an archiving utility for C64 OS

usage: car [-h]  ...


Possible choices: create, c, apppend, a, extract, e, merge, m, list, l, info, i


create (c)

create a new archive

car create [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-t {general,restore,install}] [--note NOTE]
           [-s | -p] [--recursive | --no-recursive] [--no-empty-dir]
           [--remove-files] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--sort]
           file [file ...]

Positional Arguments


path to file or directory to be added to archive

Named Arguments

-o, --output

write output to specified file (instead of stdout)

Default: <_io.BufferedWriter name=’<stdout>’>

-t, --type

Possible choices: general, restore, install

set the archive type (default: general)

Default: “general”


set the archive note field

Default: “”

-s, --seq

add files using the SEQ type (default)

Default: CarRecordType.SEQFILE

-p, --prg

add files using the PRG type

Default: CarRecordType.SEQFILE


add directory contents recursively (default)

Default: True


do not add directory contents recursively

Default: True


do not add empty directories

Default: False


remove files from disk after adding them to the archive

Default: False


exclude files matching the provided glob-style wildcard pattern


when creating an archive, sort directory and file entries according to their name

Default: False

apppend (a)

append files to the end of an archive

car apppend [-h] [-o OUTPUT | -i] [-t {general,restore,install}] [--note NOTE]
            [-s | -p] [--recursive | --no-recursive] [--no-empty-dir]
            [--remove-files] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--sort]
            archive file [file ...]

Positional Arguments


path to archive file


path to file or directory to be added to archive

Named Arguments

-o, --output

write output to specified file (instead of stdout)

Default: <_io.BufferedWriter name=’<stdout>’>

-i, --in-place

operate directly on the input file (instead of generating a new output)

Default: False

-t, --type

Possible choices: general, restore, install

change the archive type


change the archive note field

-s, --seq

add files using the SEQ type (default)

Default: CarRecordType.SEQFILE

-p, --prg

add files using the PRG type

Default: CarRecordType.SEQFILE


add directory contents recursively (default)

Default: True


do not add directory contents recursively

Default: True


do not add empty directories

Default: False


remove files from disk after adding them to the archive

Default: False


exclude files matching the provided glob-style wildcard pattern


after appending, re-sort directory and file entries according to their name

Default: False

extract (e)

extract files from an archive

car extract [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [--no-seq | --no-prg] [--no-empty-dir] [-f | -k]
            archive [archive ...]

Positional Arguments


path to archive file

Named Arguments

-o, --output

create files in the specified directory (instead of current directory)

Default: “/home/docs/checkouts/”


do not extract files of type SEQ

Default: False


do not extract files of type PRG

Default: False


do not create empty directories

Default: False

-f, --force

silently overwrite existing files

Default: False

-k, --skip

silently skip over existing files

Default: False

merge (m)

merge multiple archives into one

car merge [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-t {general,restore,install}] [--note NOTE]
          archive [archive ...]

Positional Arguments


path to archive file

Named Arguments

-o, --output

write output to specified file (instead of stdout)

Default: <_io.BufferedWriter name=’<stdout>’>

-t, --type

Possible choices: general, restore, install

change the archive type


change the archive note field.


after concatenating, re-sort directory and file entries according to their name

Default: False

list (l)

list the files and directories within an archive

car list [-h] [-n DEPTH] archive base

Positional Arguments


path to archive file


base starting path within the archive (defaults to root)

Default: “”

Named Arguments

-n, --depth

limit list to n directories deep

Default: -1

info (i)

read or write metadata on an archive

car info [-h] archive {type,note,timestamp} [value]

Positional Arguments


path to archive file


Possible choices: type, note, timestamp

field to read from or write to


new value to write (omit for read)

run ‘%(prog)s <subcommand> -h’ for more information